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Tours to Smolensk, Russia, travel service in Smolensk, hotels booking and visa support
Smolensk - one of the oldest cities in Russia. It is located in the upper reaches of the Dnieper River, in the vicinity of Moscow. Modern Smolensk managed to keep and carry through the centuries spirit of antiquity. A wonderful view of the city you will fortification, which, incidentally, is the third longest in the world! Numerous monuments, memorials, steles, museums tell about events violently seething at the Smolensk land in the last thousand years!
City Tour |
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In order to “touch” history and witness past events, one does not need to own a time machine. Ancient walls of the Smolensk Fortress, unique churches from the 12th century, historic sites connected with the defense of the city in 1609-1611, old streets which still remember the celebrating marches of the Great Napoleonic Army will al tell you of the tough fortune which has befallen the great city of Smolensk. You will find out about the amazing people which made Smolensk famous throughout the world, amongst whom: the great Composer M. I. Glinka, Prince Smolensky, and numerous military commanders whose portraits have a honorary place in one of the halls of the Hermitage in Saint-Petersburg. You will be unforgettably amazed by The Cathedral of the Assumption, whose greatness and grace once made Napoleon himself take off his hat and bow down on his knees. |
Excursion “Smolensk Architectural Monuments of the 12th century” |
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The following excursion is dedicated to the architectural monuments of the pre-Mongol period- the pride of ancient Smolensk. In the 12th century there were up to 40 stone churches in Smolensk, at the time even more than in Novgorod. Smolensk was built very rapidly because it was governed independently and it was a wealthy city. Its wealth was made possible by city’s location on the meeting point of three river trade routes: to the Greeks, to the Bulgarians, and to the Germans. To this day the churches of Peter and Paul Church, St. John the Evangelist, and Archangel Michael (also known as Svirskaya) are still standing. The scribes of the day wrote that the beauty of the Svirskiy Church was unmatched in all the northern principalities, and pilgrims have been coming to see it from all of ancient Rus! You will have an excellent opportunity to see a place which has been a place of worship to God for almost 900 years! |
Excursion “Smolensk in the War of 1812” |
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Smolensk played a key role in the Patriotic War of 1812. The main Russian forces on the Western border were divided into two armies under the commands of Barklay-de-Tolli and Bagration. The unification of the two armies near Smolensk became one of the most important stages in the War of 1812 and which led to the failure of Napoleon’s Grand Plan of destroying the Russian Armies piece by piece. The evidence of the bloody battle fought near Smolensk on August 4-August 5 can still be seen in numerous monuments dedicated to the heroic defense of the city. |
Excursion “Smolensk during the years of the Great Patriotic War” |
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In the middle of the last century, Smolensk not for the first time had to prove its nickname: key-city, shield-city, warrior-city. In 1941 Smolensk again was in the path of the enemy. The Great Patriotic War has left a significant mark on the city and the Battle of Smolensk has a special place in the history of our Motherland. For over two months, Soviet soldiers held back the Nazi Army. Many things remind us of the terrible events of these times: numerous monuments, memorial plaques, burial mount “Immortality”, and in the center of city, near the fortress wall- burial sites of brave soldiers, amongst whom is Mihael Egorov, who mounted the Victory Flag over the Reichstag. |
Excursion in Katyn |
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The infamous Katyn Forest serenely keeps the secrets of the tragedy which occurred there in the last century. It is the location of the mass grave sites of Soviet citizens killed in the 1920s-1930s and the Polish officers executed by members of the NKVD in 1940. In 2000 the Memorial “Katyn” was solemnly opened. This was the first international memorial dedicated to the victims of totalitarian state repression that was opened in Russia. Built in the neo-modernist style, it will leave a deep impression on you! |
Excursion “Into land of the blue Lakes” |
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National Park “Smolensk Pozernia”- a unique environmental site which contains over 35 lakes from the Ice Age. The natural wealth of this land has attracted humans here as early as 10,000 years ago. The park has all the anthropological monuments: ancient resting areas, settlements, towns, and burial sites of the ancient Krivichi people. During the tour you will visit the deepest lake in the Smolensk Region-Baklanovsky, which has a maximum depth of 29 meters and also Lake Chistic which for good reason is considered the “Jewel of the Smolensk Region”, and the largest and the most picturesque lake of the park-Sapsho. |
You will also learn about the military history of the region, and will visit the fortified sites and the monuments dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. You will also walk through the ecological trail “To the source”, visit the Bridge of Love, and the spring of Serafim Sarovsky. In the arboretum, you will learn the interesting facts about the trees in our temperature zone, and see the miniatures of the Smolensk Holy Trinity Monastery and houses in the scale of 1:10, a common feature for Smolensk and the surrounding areas in the 19th century, and also visit the exhibition “Hand-Sewn Painting”. |